Aaron Smith, a figurehead in the fight for understanding and supporting those with dyslexia, has navigated a path filled with personal challenges, breakthroughs, and a steadfast commitment to empowering others. His journey from grappling with his dyslexia to becoming the driving force behind the...
We're thrilled to bring you an insightful episode featuring Liam Nicolosi, a 16-year-old actor with dyslexia. With roles in various films and even two Netflix shows, "Di4ries" under his belt, Liam offers a uniquely inspiring perspective. Join us to dive deep into the world of thinking...
In this enriching installment of the Dyslexia Explored series, we delve into the captivating world of Rebecca Kamen, a highly accomplished artist, scholar, and passionate advocate for neurodiversity. Kamen's journey is a testament to the limitless potential that lies within each of us,...
Welcome to our blog, where we highlight the exceptional stories from our Dyslexia Explored podcast. Today, we delve into the life and insights of Matt Bird, a remarkable entrepreneur and author who has masterfully woven his dyslexic journey into his success story.
Matt, a UK-based business and...
The invention of the lightbulb by Thomas Edison in 1879 marked a turning point in the history of electrification, transforming electricity from a scientific curiosity into a practical, life-changing technology. In a similar vein, I’d say ChatGPT,...
In a recent episode of the Dyslexia Explored podcast, we had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Brock and Fernette Eide, authors of the groundbreaking book "The Dyslexic Advantage." Their work has significantly impacted the lives of countless individuals with dyslexia, including me,...